A set of Scratch worksheets
The school my three youngest children go to runs after-school activities, and I was part of a group of volunteers who ran an ‘Advanced Scratch‘ course. This was aimed at 10–12-year-olds who had done a reasonable amount of Scratch already, and wanted to explore more.
We spent several sessions developing a much-simplified version of the great puzzle game SpaceChem, and then a few standalone projects. It went pretty well, with most of the students getting a lot done.
As part of this, I wrote a set of worksheets, which I’ve now tidied up and made available under CC-BY-SA in case they’re of interest to anyone else:
(Image above contains content copyright The Scratch Team, used under CC-BY-SA-2.0. Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. See https://scratch.mit.edu/.)